
Screen Shot 2021-06-17 at 1.14.50 PM
Curve DAO Contemplates Its Intellectual Property
A governance proposal to protect a DeFi project's IP prompts questions about a DAO's fiduciary duty and the open source ethos.
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Curve, DeFi, AMM
DeFi's Curve Eyes More Tokens With White Paper for Version 2
The stablecoin DEX looks to challenge Uniswap with a new model for adding volatile tokens.
Curve, DeFi, AMM

Decentralized autonomous organizations have been changing the asset mix of their treasuries.
DAOs Prepare for the Next Crypto Winter With Treasury Diversification
DeFi projects are selling off governance tokens to get ready for tougher days ahead.
Decentralized autonomous organizations have been changing the asset mix of their treasuries.

Monthly decentralized exchange volume since Jan. 2019
Decentralized Exchange Volume Dropped 25% in October
A steeper decline was avoided by one record day for Uniswap and Curve.
Monthly decentralized exchange volume since Jan. 2019

Curve will pay some users up to 50% of staking fees.
Stablecoin DEX Curve Will Kick Off a Dividend on Its CRV Token Today
After hitting a new all-time high in volume, Curve will begin splitting fees between liquidity providers and CRV token holders on Saturday.
Curve will pay some users up to 50% of staking fees.

Uniswap monthly volume since October 2019
Uniswap September Volume Tops August's $6.7B Record in 10 Days on Dizzying DeFi Demand
September is the fifth consecutive monthly all-time high for Uniswap volume.
Uniswap monthly volume since October 2019

Source: CoinDesk 20 Bitcoin Price Index
Market Wrap: Bitcoin Briefly Pops Above $9,400 as Global Stocks Rally
Bitcoin broke through $9,400 as stock indices around the world make gains.
Source: CoinDesk 20 Bitcoin Price Index

Source: CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index
Market Wrap: Stocks Tick Downward and so Does Bitcoin, to $9,200
Most markets are down Thursday, including stocks and bitcoin.
Source: CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index

(Lubo Ivanko/Shutterstock)
Trio of Bitcoin Tokens Lures DeFi Yield Farmers to New Pastures
A pool of sBTC, renBTC and WBTC is helping Synthetix draw the attention of DeFi's growing horde of yield farmers.
(Lubo Ivanko/Shutterstock)

(Menno van der Haven/Shutterstock)
COMP's Sudden Growth Has Swamped a DEX Dealing Only in Stablecoins
One of the newer entrants to the DeFi space, Curve, is riding the wave of demand for the freshly issued Compound governance token, COMP.
(Menno van der Haven/Shutterstock)